canadian preTzel

never too salty and always fresh...

It's a boy!

I get it when people mistake a 3-month-old bald baby dressed in yellow for the wrong sex, but a 17-month old in blue pajamas and a crew cut? I don't get it! On my way through the drive thru at BK this morning, the girl at the window says to me, "Ohhh, she's adorable!" I thanked her and then corrected her. She did a double take and said, "You're right. He is a boy." Um, yeah, I'm right! Now, I've heard from a handful of people that Thing Two looks Asian, but never that he looks like a girl! And no, I don't have an Asian milk man, thank you very much.

I didn't wait with either of my pregnancies to be "surprised" by whether it was a girl or a boy. Really, what's the surprise? It's one or the other. Now, if I gave birth to a cat - that would be surprising. Seriously though, I really do give kudos to those parents who have the patience to wait. I've heard that at the first ultrasound, they give you the sex of the baby written on a piece of paper in a sealed envelope. How long must that 6 months be?!

For me, it wasn't the need to paint the room pink or blue or to buy gender-appropriate adorable outfits, it was the desire to be able to picture the little person they are going to be at 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, 18 years old. Looking, back though, I pictured them both all wrong! Thing One looks nothing like I pictured she would. I always imagined her with curly hair (don't know where that would have come from). It's poker straight. I pictured blue eyes and they're brown. Figured tall and she's short! They're both more amazing than I ever could have imagined...


Melinda said...

HA! That's so funny you mentioned the Asian comment because before I met your (ahem) husband, I thought that was where he got his looks from. Too funny.

BTW, my sister finds out Wednesday what she's having. :-) (I was so wrong on her appointment date LOL)

canadian preTzel said...

Keep your fingers crossed that it's not a cat!

Narm said...

I used to try to protect myself from getting the sex wrong by saying "it".

Turns out that is even worse. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

I was one of those weirdos that waited to find out. Kind of strange considering my neurotic, plan-ahead, control-freak tendencies. They don't actually give you an envelope, but they do ask at each ultrasound if you want to know. And they'll move the screen out of view when they check the nether regions of the bambino. I think I enjoyed tormenting friends and family more than anything. Nobody could go out and buy frilly pink dresses or powder blue overalls. Although I must admit, I got sick of yellow EVERYTHING after the first three months.

Oh, and when they say chinese take-out they mean the food - not the cute delivery boy. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. HA!

Manager Mom said...

I was surprised for the first, found out for the second. And each of my kids both turned out to be uniquely mystifying.

Congrats and good luck.

Also wanted to thank you for all of your coments and things over the past few months. I'm shutting down my blog and just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed getting to 'know' you through mine and yours...

All the best,
