canadian preTzel

never too salty and always fresh...

A little egg tooth never killed anyone

Since Thing One has started Kindergarten, she's become a professional peer pressure-er. The other day, she was trying to get my Marshmallow Peep-hating BF to "just tryyyyy"" one of her peeps. She was not taking no for an answer, and taking a page from my book was harassing him to at least take a small bite because you know, you don't know you don't like it unless you try it. As she tore off a tiny bit of the tip beak, she said "C'mon. All you have to try is the egg tooth"

For those of you who aren't bird dorks:

egg tooth 
a small calcareous prominence at the tip of the beak or upper jaw of an embryonic bird, used to break through the eggshell at hatching.

And yes, she totally knew what an egg tooth was.

How bad can crude protein really be for you?

Just when I think I'm a front runner for the Mother-of-the-Year award, one of my kids does something that makes me second guess my abilities.

So, I'm changing Thing Two's diaper and as I'm wiping off his butt, I notice sesame seeds in the poop. Hmmm, strange. I don't remember giving him anything to eat that had sesame seeds in it. I was still perplexed a couple of days later when I saw this open bag next to the hamster cage:

Lovely. Not only did my 22-month old ingest hamster treats, whose ingredients are measured in % of crude protein (ew), but they're also tiny and round (choking hazards) with a peanut (high allergy risk) center. Truly, he is one of those boys who you can't take your eyes off of for even a second.
I guess I should be thankful it didn't have red dye #40, high fructose corn syrup and glass shards in it. I think I'll still keep my name in the running for the award.