canadian preTzel

never too salty and always fresh...

How bad can crude protein really be for you?

Just when I think I'm a front runner for the Mother-of-the-Year award, one of my kids does something that makes me second guess my abilities.

So, I'm changing Thing Two's diaper and as I'm wiping off his butt, I notice sesame seeds in the poop. Hmmm, strange. I don't remember giving him anything to eat that had sesame seeds in it. I was still perplexed a couple of days later when I saw this open bag next to the hamster cage:

Lovely. Not only did my 22-month old ingest hamster treats, whose ingredients are measured in % of crude protein (ew), but they're also tiny and round (choking hazards) with a peanut (high allergy risk) center. Truly, he is one of those boys who you can't take your eyes off of for even a second.
I guess I should be thankful it didn't have red dye #40, high fructose corn syrup and glass shards in it. I think I'll still keep my name in the running for the award.


Stef said...

I'd totally nominate you for Mom of the Year Award :) Glad to see a post...better make them more often than quarterly!