It's got to be better than last NYE!
As I'm making food for tonight's get together, I'm reflecting back to the last day of 2007, just a year ago. It totally seems like a lifetime ago! God, was I a mess...
I was in the throes of germophobic anxiety and was sitting at home with Thing One and Thing Two, trying desperately to avoid the rampant Norovirus. I stayed in my pajamas all day and Lysolled things that may have come into contact with the infected outside world (even though I hadn't left the house for nearly a week)! The thought of being totally alone at midnight was too much to bear, so I kept my then four-year-old up until the ball dropped so I'd have someone to kiss. Unfortunately, by midnight, she had already been dog tired for over two hours, was crabby beyond belief and refused to plant one on me! She was asleep by 12:02. What a way to ring in 2008!
I've never been much of a New Year's Eve party person, so this New Year's Eve I'm spending it just how I want to - laying low with close friends, playing some board and card games and being happy and comfortable. I'm glad to say that my germophobic tendencies have all but disappeared, and although I won't be licking any raw chicken in the near future, I intend to enter 2009 a more well-balanced, clear-headed, and content girl!
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