canadian preTzel

never too salty and always fresh...


I've been reading other people's blogs now for some time, and dammit - I want one too! I can't promise the same level of commitment and wittiness that I read during my daily blog-stalk, but we'll see what I come up with.

I actually got the idea from my therapist. Yes, I have a therapist. Doesn't everyone these days? I've since temporarily "graduated" - at least until the next flu season hits, I get traded in for a younger model, or some other major disaster occurs - but the idea to blog has kind of stuck with me, so... here I am.

I can't imagine what I'll fill my posts with. I am a newly single mom (and better off in the long run for it) of two awesome kids. No, REALLY - they're awesome and not just because they're mine. My daughter is 5 and my son is 15 months. I have a full time (and then some) fundraising job in the non-profit industry and do some contract work in my *spare* time. Hopefully I can muster up some topics a little more exciting than spilled cheerios and must-see tv.

Well, that wasn't so bad! The pressure of a first post is gone. Now I can dry my sweaty palms and obsess about what to write next!


taawd said...

what's a canadian preTzel?