canadian preTzel

never too salty and always fresh...

That IS the smallest size...

This morning I took a trip out to the Victoria's Secret at Crocker Park to get a bachelorette party gift for my girlfriend. While there, I decided to treat myself to a new bra thinking it would make me feel good. The vultures were on me in a matter of seconds asking if I needed to be measured. Sure, why not. And measure me they did - right in the middle of the store. Really? Do you need to announce my bra size to the whole store? So, I went into the changing room with a handful of bras, (and Thing One and Thing Two in tow) and tried them on. If you've never been to Victoria's Secret, the changing rooms are awesome. They even come equipped with a little doorbell, so that you can just ring for an associate and they'll bring you another size or style.


Me: I really like this one. Do you have have it in a smaller size?
Giant-Breasted Sales Associate: That IS our smallest size.
Me: Oh, ok. Maybe it's fine then.

Because I'm not going to admit that I barely fill out their SMALLEST size, I got the bra, grabbed a few pairs of semi-matching underwear and was on my not-so-merry way with $130 less in my checking account than when I walked in. Ugh. I totally need to make an appointment with Dr. Robert Rey.